Updated:   1/29/20 5:27 PM
Free? Day Date
Starting Ending Activity/Event Location    🌐 web Comment
FREE Wed Jan 29 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Walking Club - EVERY Monday & Wednesday Oak Ridge Civic Center, 1403 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830   🌐 Take advantage of the opportunity to get some exercise and meet walker friends
FREE Wed Jan 29 12:00 PM 1:00 PM WDVX Blue Plate Special
Chris Wilcox performs today along with Michael McClelland
WDVX, 301 South Gay Street, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 https://wdvx.com/calendar/ 🌐 If no space in lot next to WDVX, busses and other vehicles can park FREE at Willow Ave, under bridge, then get on the FREE "Greenline" Trolley by Merchants of Beer
FREE Wed Jan 29 5:00 PM 8:00 PM Chatterbox Social Club Krystal, 1217 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 https://www.facebook.com/events/485212388808587/ 🌐 BRING MONEY to buy your own food & ENJOY easting together!
? Thu Jan 30 9:00 AM 6:00 PM Zoo Knoxville - 2020 Seasonal Job Fair - 9 am - 12 pm & 4 pm - 6 pm! Zoo Knoxville, 3500 Knoxville Zoo Dr, Knoxville, TN 37914 https://www.facebook.com/events/2437016823219926/ 🌐 Visit zooknoxville.org/about/jobs  to see jobs available and apply prior to coming to the job fair. Come prepared to interview!
FREE Thu Jan 30 12:00 PM 1:00 PM WDVX Blue Plate Special
Michael Roberts and Flying Buffaloes
WDVX, 301 South Gay Street, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 https://wdvx.com/calendar/ 🌐 If no space in lot next to WDVX, busses and other vehicles can park FREE at Willow Ave, under bridge, then get on the FREE "Greenline" Trolley by Merchants of Beer
FREE Thu Jan 30 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Plastic Yarn with Plastic Bags Wartburg Public Library, 514 Spring St, Wartburg, TN 37887 (423) 346-2479 https://www.facebook.com/events/541045496624790/ 🌐 Learn how to use those plastic bags  to make baskets, rugs, purses the endless possibility.
FREE Fri Jan 31 12:00 AM   Remote Area Medical (RAM) - Knoxville Jacob Building (Chilhowee Park), 3301 E Magnolia Ave, Knoxville, TN 37914 https://www.ramusa.org/clinic-schedule/?gclid=CjwKCAiA98TxBRBtEiwAVRLquw6BvL7K4ZWe3ONY4ZJeorRuxRa1RhvSZAx5etBooozxKxR0hsXthBoCsQYQAvD_BwE 🌐 Every RAM clinic is free and open to the public.  There are no qualifying questions and ID is not required. Parking lot area opens 12:00 AM, numbered tickets given at 3:00 AM, Clinic doors open at 6:00 AM. (Process repeated each day)
FREE Fri Jan 31 12:30 PM 1:30 PM Computer Class: Facebook (one of the biggest social media platforms) Clinton Public Libary, 118 S. Hicks Street, Clinton, TN 37716 http://clintonpubliclibrary.org/event/facebook-9/ 🌐 This course will feature how to create a Facebook account, make a post, and being safe on the internet.
FREE Fri Jan 31 1:00 PM 3:00 PM Cafe Mortel Bearden Branch Library, 100 Golf Club Road, Knoxville, TN 37919 https://www.facebook.com/events/470692937195421/ 🌐 All are welcome to attend this end-of-life discussion.
FREE Fri Jan 31 5:00 PM 6:30 PM Computer Class: Fandom Friday - Calling all anime fans! Clinton Public Libary, 118 S. Hicks Street, Clinton, TN 37716 http://clintonpubliclibrary.org/event/fandom-friday-16/ 🌐 Fandom Friday for January will feature a mini anime convention. Cosplay as your favorite character and come join us for this exciting event!
'$5.00 Fri Jan 31 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Friday Night Ceili Tickets - Tune Junkie Weekend - A lively celebration of Irish traditional music, dance and culture Historic Grove Theater, 23 Randolph Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 http://www.tunejunkie.org/ 🌐 Open to musicians and music-lovers of all ages and levels.
FREE Sat Feb 01 12:00 AM   Remote Area Medical (RAM) - Knoxville Jacob Building (Chilhowee Park), 3301 E Magnolia Ave, Knoxville, TN 37914 https://www.ramusa.org/clinic-schedule/?gclid=CjwKCAiA98TxBRBtEiwAVRLquw6BvL7K4ZWe3ONY4ZJeorRuxRa1RhvSZAx5etBooozxKxR0hsXthBoCsQYQAvD_BwE 🌐 Every RAM clinic is free and open to the public.  There are no qualifying questions and ID is not required. Parking lot area opens 12:00 AM, numbered tickets given at 3:00 AM, Clinic doors open at 6:00 AM. (Process repeated each day)
'$15.00 Sat Feb 01 7:00 PM 9:00 PM Saturday Night Concert Tickets - Tune Junkie Weekend - A lively celebration of Irish traditional music, dance and culture Historic Grove Theater, 23 Randolph Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 http://www.tunejunkie.org/ 🌐 37830
FREE to Look Sat Feb 01 10:00 AM   Winter Farmers' Market, hosted by Grow Oak Ridge - INDOORS EVERY SAT until Mar, 28, 2020
Farmers | Bakers | Artisans | Food Trucks
St. Mary's Catholic Church Gym, 323 Vermont Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 https://www.facebook.com/events/388158861891334/ 🌐 30+ weekly vendors selling locally grown farm produce, pasture raised meats, locally grown fish, eggs, honey, artisan crafts, baked goods, and more! DOUBLE SNAP - We accept and double SNAP benefits market-wide for fresh fruits and vegetables up to $20 per day.
FREE Sun Feb 02 12:00 AM   Remote Area Medical (RAM) - Knoxville Jacob Building (Chilhowee Park), 3301 E Magnolia Ave, Knoxville, TN 37914 https://www.ramusa.org/clinic-schedule/?gclid=CjwKCAiA98TxBRBtEiwAVRLquw6BvL7K4ZWe3ONY4ZJeorRuxRa1RhvSZAx5etBooozxKxR0hsXthBoCsQYQAvD_BwE 🌐 Every RAM clinic is free and open to the public.  There are no qualifying questions and ID is not required. Parking lot area opens 12:00 AM, numbered tickets given at 3:00 AM, Clinic doors open at 6:00 AM. (Process repeated each day)
FREE Sun Feb 02 2:30 PM 3:00 PM Citizens Helping to get HGTV HOMETOWN TAKEOVER TV SHOW to Wartburg, hosted by Morgan County Tourism Alliance and Tanners  Tanners Cafe Sundries an Antiques, KINGSTON STREET, Wartburg, Tennessee 37887 https://www.mctamoco.com/single-post/2020/01/25/Help-get-HGTV-to-come-to-Wartburg?fbclid=IwAR2bSP6FxEeDR3bW0tVJuvjE6N5d_GB7tLR5hZpfokWhHh9so5VRxXWW1_E 🌐  Large group of people who love Tanners Store to be a part of this exciting opportunity.  All you need to do is come and have your photo/video made as a group and smile! Bring your friends and family!
FREE Mon Feb 03 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Walking Club - EVERY Monday & Wednesday Oak Ridge Civic Center, 1403 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830   🌐 Take advantage of the opportunity to get some exercise and meet walker friends
FREE Tue Feb 04 9:00 AM 2:00 PM Disability Day on the Hill 2020 - A day where you're invited to meet with your legislators on issues that affect Tennesseans with disabilities. Cordell Hull Building, 425 5th Ave N, Nashville, TN 37219 https://www.facebook.com/events/1201277156709551/ 🌐 Disability Day on the Hill 2020 will be held over two days (Mon 2/3 & Tue 2/4) hosted by TN Disability Coalition. More info at facebook.com/tndisability
FREE Tue Feb 04 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Cooking Class - Eat Smart & Move More On Tuesdays! Knoxville-Knox County CAC, 2247 Western Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37921 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cooking-class-eat-smart-move-more-on-tuesdays-tickets-85506856309?aff=ebdssbdestsearch 🌐  A series of free nutrition and cooking classes for families who cook for children (including grandparents, foster care families, and other family members who regularly feed children in their home).
FREE Tue Feb 04 1:00 PM 3:00 PM Special Olympics BASKETBALL Practice - EVERY WEEK on TUESDAY Scarboro Community Center Gym, 148 Carver Ave, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, Phone: (865) 425-3950   🌐  
FREE Wed Feb 05 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Walking Club - EVERY Monday & Wednesday Oak Ridge Civic Center, 1403 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830   🌐 Take advantage of the opportunity to get some exercise and meet walker friends
FREE Wed Feb 05 5:00 PM 8:00 PM Chatterbox Social Club  EVC CTB VOC area
723 Emory Valley Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
  🌐  Making Valentines for the nursing home and for fundraiser.
FREE Thu Feb 06 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Signs of Anxiety: Understanding Anxiety and the Brain Brain Balance Center of Farragut, 157 Brooklawn Street, Knoxville, TN 37934 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/signs-of-anxiety-understanding-anxiety-and-the-brain-registration-91153170587?aff=ebdssbdestsearch 🌐 FREE seminar: Brain development and how it impacts Anxiety in children. Learn tips and strategies for helping reduce symptoms of Anxiety!
FREE Fri Feb 07 1:00 PM 3:00 PM Valentine's Day Painting Event for Emory Valley Center Community Participation  Oak Valley Baptist Church, 194 Hampton Road, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 https://www.facebook.com/events/301661907460933/ 🌐 We will be having an amazing painting instructor come and teach us step by step how to paint a beautiful painting above! RSVP REQUIRED by 1/31/20 to ensure enough supplies for everyone to participate. Either respond "going", on the EVC CP Facebook page, or call/text Miranda.
FREE for PS & Vol Fri Feb 07 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Night to Shine Prom(KINGSTON) in association with Tim Tebow Ministries - Must Register: Guests & Volunteers FREE, others $35) Cedar Grove Baptist Church, 405 Old Johnston Valley Rd, Kingston, TN 37763 Contact: Christi McAmis, Christi.mcamis@yahoo.com http://communitydevelopmentcatalyst.com/evc/image/2020NTSGuestRegistration.pdf 🌐 Catered meal- chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, roll, salad, and cookie; Limo rides, Corsages and Boutonnieres, DJ with dancing and Karaoke, Pictures and more!
FREE for PS & Vol Fri Feb 07 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Night to Shine Prom(KNOXVILLE) in association with Tim Tebow Ministries - Must Register: Guests & Volunteers FREE, others $35) Black Oak Heights Baptist Church, 405 Black Oak Drive, Knoxville 37912 https://www.bohbc.org/night-to-shine-tim-tebow-foundation/ 🌐 Limited to first 175 resgistrants
FREE to Look Sat Feb 08 10:00 AM   Winter Farmers' Market, hosted by Grow Oak Ridge - INDOORS EVERY SAT until Mar, 28, 2020 St. Mary's Catholic Church Gym, 323 Vermont Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 https://www.facebook.com/events/388158861891334/ 🌐 Farmers|Bakers|Artisans|Food Trucks|30+ weekly vendors selling locally grown farm produce, pasture raised meats, locally grown fish, eggs, honey, artisan crafts, baked goods, and more! DOUBLE SNAP - We accept and double SNAP benefits market-wide for fresh fruits and vegetables up to $20 per day.
FREE Sat Feb 08 1:00 PM 2:00 PM Christ's Final Week Wartburg Public Library, 514 Spring St, Wartburg, Tennessee 37887 https://www.facebook.com/events/2630825710370816/ 🌐 Pastor Pat Ramsden will read from her new book: For Such A One As I.  The poetry deals with Christ's Final Week and his last teachings. She is the author of The Power of Their Voices and writes a faith column for the Morgan County News
FREE Tue Feb 11 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Cooking Class - Eat Smart & Move More On Tuesdays! Knoxville-Knox County CAC, 2247 Western Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37921 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cooking-class-eat-smart-move-more-on-tuesdays-tickets-85506856309?aff=ebdssbdestsearch 🌐  A series of free nutrition and cooking classes for families who cook for children (including grandparents, foster care families, and other family members who regularly feed children in their home).
FREE Tue Feb 04 1:00 PM 3:00 PM Special Olympics BASKETBALL Practice - EVERY WEEK on TUESDAY Scarboro Community Center Gym, 148 Carver Ave, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, Phone: (865) 425-3950   🌐  
$2 for food
Wed Feb 12 12:00 PM 2:00 PM KFG: Knoxville Focus Group Wesley House Community Center, 1719 Reynolds Street, Knoxville, TN 37921   🌐 Topic TBD
FREE Wed Feb 12 5:00 PM 8:00 PM Chatterbox Social Club   Valentine’s Day Mock-Tail Party EVC CTB Adult Day Services Room
723 Emory Valley Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
https://www.facebook.com/events/3231879633492341/ 🌐  Music, Mock-Tails, Snacks, Photos!
$25 – $65 Fri Feb 14 7:00 PM 9:30 PM Cupid Valentines Dinner Show Historic Grove Theater, 123 Randolph Road, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cupid-valentines-dinner-show-tickets-87646265339?aff=ebdssbdestsearch 🌐 Dre Hilton and The Soulful Sounds Revue will be bringing a very special Valetines day dinner and show to the city of Oak Ridge TN.
$70 mem. $90 nonmem Sat Feb 15 8:00 AM 3:45 PM Pushing Boundaries... a Big Ideas Event, hosted by The Arc of Tennessee The Inn at Opryland, 2401 Music Valley Dr, Nashville, TN 37214 https://www.thearctn.org/Big-Ideas.php 🌐 Join The Arc Tennessee for a day of thought provoking presentations and networking opportunities as we “push the boundaries” about what is possible for people with disabilities at our 3rd annual Big Ideas event! Registration fees cover breakfast, lunch and an afternoon break.
FREE to Look Sat Feb 15 10:00 AM   Winter Farmers' Market, hosted by Grow Oak Ridge - INDOORS EVERY SAT until Mar, 28, 2020 St. Mary's Catholic Church Gym, 323 Vermont Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 https://www.facebook.com/events/388158861891334/ 🌐 Farmers|Bakers|Artisans|Food Trucks|30+ weekly vendors selling locally grown farm produce, pasture raised meats, locally grown fish, eggs, honey, artisan crafts, baked goods, and more! DOUBLE SNAP - We accept and double SNAP benefits market-wide for fresh fruits and vegetables up to $20 per day.
FREE 1st 1200 reg by 1/27 Sat Feb 22 5:00 PM 8:00pm PROM OF THE STARS hosted by Farragut Christian Church Knoxville Convention Center, 701 Henley St, Knoxville, TN 37902 http://communitydevelopmentcatalyst.com/evc/image/20200222-PromOfTheStarsRegistrationInstructions2020.pdf 🌐 Email registration to: dena@farragutcc.com - For more information call (865) 966-5224